1                 TERMS OF BOOKING      

All prices quoted are in GBP and are an indicative rack rate, excluding VAT.  All rates quoted are fully inclusive of utilities including council tax and TV license fee, 24 hour on-site parking (where available), Wi-Fi access, linen, towels and weekly housekeeping service (stays of 1 week or more). Utilities such as gas and electricity are covered by Blue Fox Homes Ltd, however this is subject to our fair usage policy. Blue Fox Homes Ltd reserves the right to pass the cost of excessive electricity usage onto the guest and or booker. 

Any booking, however made, will only come into existence when payment has been made and your confirmation has been dispatched by us.

Restrictions may apply in certain locations including, but not limited to, minimum night stay and age restrictions; you will be advised of these at the time of booking where applicable. We reserve the right to refuse any booking at any time.

All guest names and contact telephone numbers are required at the time of booking including whether they are adults or minors. 
 All guests or bookers need to complete a booking form and supply valid credit card details at the time of booking to cover any additional charges incurred/or pay rental (all subject to agreement with Blue Fox Homes Ltd). Blue Fox Homes Ltd reserve the right to deduct from the credit card details provided, all amounts chargeable under these conditions, including, but not limited to, further accommodation charges. 

As soon as your confirmation and invoice are received, please check the details carefully. If anything is not correct you should tell us immediately. However, we regret we cannot accept any liability if we are not notified of any inaccuracy in the documentation. If there is an error in the confirmation or invoice, we reserve the right to correct it as soon as we become aware of it and will do so within 7 days of issue of the confirmation or invoice or, if your arrival date is within 7 days of booking, no later than 24 hours before your arrival date. 

2                TERMS OF PAYMENT

All payments are due in advance of occupation by credit or debit card for the first 28 days. Payment will be debited from the card for your stay at the time of booking, subsequent charges will be due 14 days prior to arrival. We accept most types of credit card except Diners.

There is no confirmed reservation until the guest registration details are received. Blue Fox Homes Ltd reserves the right to refuse any booking without stating a reason or to cancel, modify or alter arrangements made by the guest. In the unlikely event that the accommodation ceases to be available for the period of the booking, then Blue Fox Homes Ltd shall try to arrange alternative accommodation and if this is not acceptable to the guest, all monies paid shall be refunded to the guest in full, and the liability of Blue Fox Homes Ltd shall then cease. 

If problems are experienced in obtaining funds from the credit card details provided, this may result in your booking being cancelled. 

If payment does not reach us at the required time we reserve the right to suspend or cancel any booking made. Any late payments will result in interest being charged at 4% above Bank of England base rate for the period concerned. 

In the case of some longer stay guests, a minimum of £150 deposit may be taken from the card and held until the end of your stay.  

Blue Fox Homes Ltd reserve the right to refuse key hand-over at their discretion, where a full refund will be given. In this instance Blue Fox Homes Ltd, Serviced Apartments will not be held responsible for sourcing replacement accommodation or for any costs incurred. 

For all bookings (including third party bookings) whereby there is agreed payment terms in place; 

Any late payment later than agreed, we have the right to cancel booking for non payment with 24hrs notice. 

Where the guest is no longer in house we reserve the right to charge 4% interest per day. 


A Security Deposit to cover including breakages, damages, extra cleaning and further accommodation charges incurred during your stay, may be taken and you will be advised whether this is payable at the time of booking or on arrival at the apartment. 

The Guest is responsible for taking all reasonable care of the apartment, its fixtures and fittings and its contents. The Guest agrees to keep the accommodation in the same state of repair and conditions as at the commencement of the stay. We reserve the right to charge a security/damage deposit of a minimum of £150 per apartment to cover against loss and/or damage to the apartment, its fixtures and fittings and contents, for example but not limited to damage caused by negligence or deliberate act of vandalism by the Guest or their party, additional cleaning costs due to the apartment being left in an unacceptable state, excessive electricity usage, and breaches to regulations such as smoking in the apartment or causing any disturbance to other residents. The apartments are forbidden to be used for parties or other non-residential activity without prior agreement. 

Deposits may also be used by Blue Fox Homes Ltd in the event of unauthorized extra guests using the apartment and facilities, the loss of keys or parking permits or unauthorized removal of items from one apartment to another, for example but not limited to bedding, towels, linens and kitchen equipment. 

We recommend that all guests review equipment/condition at the time of check-in. We will accept notification of damage found as pre-existing within the initial 48-hour period following the Guest’s arrival. Should the damage come to light after the Guest’s departure, we reserve the right to charge the card details provided upon arrival. Where the Guest denies responsibility for the reported loss/damage, we will accept the word of our staff as binding and the appropriate level of compensation will be deducted from the deposit. Guests should note that where appropriate, charges for damage will include a charge for the apartment being out of service while any remedial work takes place. 



We will endeavor to do everything we can to help guests with special requirements. Please ensure we are made aware in writing, of any special requirements at time of booking so we can help you select the most suitable apartment for your needs. Although we will endeavor to meet any reasonable requests no guarantees can be given that any request will be met. Conditional bookings cannot be accepted i.e. any booking which is specified to be conditional on the fulfilment of a particular request. 

5                PRICING

The rates we advertise are to the best of our knowledge correct at the date of publication but we reserve the right to change any rates from time to time. Prior to the booking being confirmed rates quoted are based on the rates prevailing at the time but are subject to change. Once a booking has been confirmed we will not change the rate quoted unless you amend the booking or our cost of supplying the accommodation changes as a result of tax changes or currency fluctuations beyond our control. VAT is charged at the rate in force at the time of booking. 

6                AMENDMENTS TO BOOKING

We pride ourselves on our flexibility and are happy to make amendments to your booking (e.g. change of dates, length of stay) wherever possible, providing the notice periods above (* see Cancellations) have been adhered to. 

Extensions may be possible dependent on availability. Should the same apartment not be available we shall advise you of any alternative options we do have.

All requests for changes, extensions and cancellations must be made in writing directly to us. (Accordingly, if your booking is not changed, extended or cancelled through us you will be liable to pay us the full amount of the booking.) 

7                CHANGES TO BOOKING

On occasion, it may be necessary to re-allocate your apartment. In most cases this will be an identical apartment in either the same or similar development, however this may not always be possible. We shall endeavor to inform you of any changes prior to arrival. 

Should none of these options be acceptable you may cancel the booking with no notice terms and receive a full refund, which will be deemed as full and final settlement. 

In the very unlikely event that we will need to cancel your booking, we shall attempt to find a suitable alternative for you for the same price. Should this not be acceptable to you, or possible for us to find a suitable alternative, a full refund will be given deemed as full and final settlement.

We regret that we cannot accept liability for any loss, damage or additional expense where a booking needs to be altered or cancelled, or we are unable to perform our obligations due to events that could not have been reasonably foreseen or avoided, such as war, terrorist activity, natural/man-made disaster, adverse weather conditions etc.

*Please note some changes may be subject to a fee of £30 plus VAT per booking which will be payable to us once any change has been made together with any other resulting costs which may result in an increase or decrease in rate depending on the date and length of stay. Changes to the arrival date to later than the original date confirmed will be treated as a cancellation. All changes of date are subject to availability. 

Name changes or child age changes will not incur any charges or administration fee. 


8               EXTENSIONS

If you wish to extend a stay, please give us as much notice as possible in order to facilitate your request. All extensions are subject to availability and rate change. 
Where notice to extend, a stay has been given, we reserve the right to take all additional payments and charges from any credit/debit card used to make the original booking, or an invoice for the extended period will be sent to your billing address and payment must be made by return. 

9                CANCELLATIONS

Blue Fox Homes Ltd reserves the right to treat an early departure or reduction in the number of nights or apartments booked as a cancellation and apartments may be re- let and cancellation charges will apply. 

Non-arrivals will be treated as a cancellation and you will not be entitled to any refunds. 
 Please note that transaction fees are not refundable in the event of a cancellation. 

If you need to cancel your booking, you are entitled to do so with no charge providing cancellation in writing (e-mail is acceptable to reservations@Blue Fox Homes Ltd-group.co.uk) has been received as follows: –

28 days’ minimum notice is the cancellation we require as minimum notice.  For extensions or early departure, we also require a minimum 28 day’s notice, otherwise your apartment is not guaranteed.

Bookings are not transferrable to different dates and should this notice not be adhered to charges will apply as per the notice received. Once in-house, if you wish to leave earlier than originally booked, you will need to offer 28 day’s notice.

Blue Fox Homes Ltd reserves the right to treat an early departure or reduction in the number of nights or apartments booked as a cancellation and apartments may be re- let and cancellation charges will apply. 

Non-arrivals will be treated as a cancellation and you will not be entitled to any refunds. 
 Please note that transaction fees are not refundable in the event of a cancellation. 


For group bookings: If you need to cancel your booking, you are entitled to do so with no charge providing cancellation in writing (e-mail is acceptable to james@bluefoxhomes.co.uk) has been received as follows: –

For stays of 90 nights or more 30 days’ minimum notice is the cancellation we require as minimum notice.  For extensions or early departure, we also require a minimum 30 day’s notice, otherwise your apartment is not guaranteed.

10.1           GROUP BOOKING

We consider a group to be three apartments or more being booked in the same city for similar dates. Special conditions may apply and these will be advised at the time of booking. Cancellation charges may differ to those in clause Cl.4.5 and will be advised at the time of booking. 


Blue Fox Homes Ltd cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss to either your personal belongings, or for any personal injury that may occur during your stay.

Neither we, nor our representatives, can be held responsible for any circumstances beyond our control, including (but not limited to) mechanical breakdown, illness or failure of any public service supply.

We would highly recommend that all guests obtain appropriate travel and personal insurance cover, including contents cover for their personal effects as this is not provided or included as part of your booking. 

Possessions: The proprietor(s) are not liable for the theft of or damage to any property left in or outside a Blue Fox Homes Ltd property. Guests must ensure that apartment doors and windows are securely locked when they are out and are recommended to use lock and chain the entrance door when in residence.



12              LIABILITY

We use all reasonable efforts to ensure that the apartments offered by us are properly arranged and high standards are maintained. We accept responsibility to take reasonable care in the organizational aspects of the stay, however we are not liable and cannot be held responsible for the actions of other residents/owners or any other suppliers involved in your stay.

We are responsible for our own operated apartments, subject to these conditions. In the event, we act as agent for our preferred suppliers or sister company, other than our general management and booking obligations detailed in these conditions, we shall not be liable to any party for any amounts in relation to any acts or omissions or any damage or problem arising under or in relation to that contract with the relevant preferred supplier. 

All warranties, conditions and other terms implied by statute or common law or otherwise are, fully permitted by law, excluded from any contract with us and these conditions shall apply in their place. 
However, nothing in these terms and conditions shall affect your statutory rights if you are a consumer. Nothing in these terms and conditions limits or excludes our liability for death or personal injury resulting from negligence; or for any damage or liability incurred by you as a result of fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation by us, or any liability that cannot by law be excluded. 

Subject to the paragraph above, we shall not be liable for any loss of profits, loss of business, depletion of goodwill and/or similar losses, loss of anticipated savings, loss of goods, loss of contract, loss of use, loss of corruption of data or information, or any special, indirect, consequential or pure economic loss, costs, damages, charges or expenses. 

If you are booking for, as or on behalf of a business or business employee, that business shall indemnify us against all liabilities, costs, expenses, damages and losses (including any direct or indirect consequential losses, loss of profit, loss of reputation and all interest, penalties and legal and other reasonable professional costs and expenses) suffered or incurred by us arising out of or in connection with your, or your business’s, breach or negligent performance or non-performance of these terms and conditions. If you are booking for, as, or on behalf of a business or business employee, our total liability in contract, tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty), misrepresentation, restitution or otherwise arising in connection with the performance or contemplated performance of your booking shall be limited to the fees paid to us under your booking. 

Other than in relation to death or personal injury caused by our negligence, or any other liability that by law cannot be excluded or restricted, our liability to you in relation to these conditions is limited to the higher of (i) GBP £1,000; and (ii) the value of the booking made with us. 

13              YOUR ACCOMMODATION

All accommodation is occupied as serviced apartments and is only to be used as temporary or holiday accommodation for you, or your organization. They are not for use as the principal, additional home or residence of guests; you will not be entitled to a tenancy or an assured shorthold or assured tenancy. No relationship of landlord and tenant is created and no statutory security of tenure exists now or when the period of occupation ends. If you or any member of your party fails to vacate at the end of the period, you will be charged the appropriate accommodation charges for the continued period of occupation. No persons other than the guests have the right to use the apartment.

These conditions constitute an excluded agreement under S(3A)(7)(a)of the Protection from Eviction Act 1977 (as amended) and cannot be construed as an assured tenancy under the Housing Act 1988 (as amended). 
We cannot guarantee an exact apartment number prior to arrival. 

The maximum guests in an apartment is determined by the number of beds in the apartment. If the maximum number is exceeded then we, or the preferred supplier, may refuse access to the accommodation and/or reserve the right to charge for additional apartments. 


Blue Fox Homes Ltd will provide fully furnished accommodation as specified, or of a similar standard and location for the dates as booked, for the rates as quoted.   All apartments will be maintained and serviced by us including the weekly cleaning and linen change.  All utilities* will be paid for by us.  The cleaning is a weekly refreshment of linen, towels, light dusting/hoovering and not designed to be a guests personal deep cleaning, so please give consideration to the housekeeping team.  Blue Fox Homes Ltd operates a policy of continuous improvement and reserves the right to change/move furniture in all apartments. As such, whilst we make every effort to ensure accuracy and currency of all photographs, changes to furnishings may not be reflected in photographs displayed on this website. 

*Utilities such as gas and electricity are covered by Blue Fox Homes Ltd, however this is subject to our fair usage policy. Blue Fox Homes Ltd reserves the right to pass the cost of excessive electricity usage onto the guest and or booker. 


15              CHECK IN/OUT 

Check-in is from 3pm and check-out is by 10am on the day of departure. Earlier check-in or later check-out times can only apply with prior approval by Blue Fox Homes Ltd. 

16              ACCESS TO YOUR PROPERTY 

Key collection details will be provided to you prior to arrival. In the event a meet and greet service isn’t arranged, you will be given a code to enter the building and details of key collection. This information may only be sent to the booker 24 hours prior to arrival & only if booking is confirmed. It is essential that you/the guest has this information with them on arrival and, where notified, contact us in advance to confirm the arrival procedure. Please note, it is the bookers responsibility to ensure the guests have all the relevant codes and information provided to them by Blue Fox Homes Ltd, to allow guests to access the apartments.

If check in is a meet and greet (this will be stated on your booking confirmation) it is essential that the guest makes a call to the BLUE FOX HOMES LTD guest services team at least 1 hour prior to check in to confirm their arrival time, regardless of whether an arrival time may have been specified or confirmed in advance. If the arrival all is not made, a member of the Blue Fox Homes Ltd team will not be available to greet the guest and this could result in a long wait.

Upon check-in, the guests will be required to complete an arrival form which provides Blue Fox Homes Ltd with all relevant contact details as well as confirmation by the guest that they agree to be bound by Blue Fox Homes Ltd’s terms, conditions and policies which are specific to how we would expect them to treat the apartment.

17              DEPARTURE

The procedure for departure will be confirmed on arrival, and again in your arrival documents. Unless otherwise agreed check out time is 10am.

We expect the apartments to be left in a reasonable state of cleanliness and order on departure. An additional charge will be made for extra cleaning or specialist cleaning to return the apartment to a fit state for occupation. Additional charges may include compensation for loss of revenue in addition to cleaning and repairs.

Keys will need to be returned on your agreed departure date no later than 10am (unless a later check-out has been agreed).  On departing the property please lock the door and post keys as instructed.  

Failure to return keys will result in a £150 + VAT charge.


18.1           CLEANING

Your apartment is cleaned weekly. The day your cleaning is scheduled will be advised on arrival. Weekly housekeeping includes linen/towel change and general cleaning. This service will provide you with clean towels, freshly made bed and a general light tidy up just to keep your accommodation in good order.

In the event your day of cleaning is to be changed you will be notified by a member of Blue Fox Homes Ltd reservations team. Guests must ensure that the floors and surfaces are kept clear to enable our housekeeping team to clean thoroughly. 

Our housekeeping team will empty the waste bins on the service day. For health and safety reasons, guests are required to remove personal and food waste from the property on a regular basis. Waste must not be stored anywhere in the apartments other than in the bins provided. 

Blue Fox Homes Ltd expects the accommodation to be left in a reasonable state of cleanliness throughout the stay and upon departure

PLEASE NOTE our house keeping team are not responsible for your personal mess, personal belongings or the washing of crockery/cutlery though our housekeepers may wash a few items at their discretion on the service day


In the event of your apartment requires additional cleaning time due to the condition you/the guest leave the apartment in you will incur a charge for the cost of extra hours spent by housekeeping.

18.2          RIGHTS OF ACCESS

Representatives and sub-contractors of Blue Fox Homes Ltd have the right to access the property at any time for the purpose of carrying out essential maintenance/repair work or to carry out an inspection or viewing.

We will however, endeavor to contact you prior to entry and with the minimum of inconvenience to our guests, however we do reserve the right to access the apartment at any time without prior notice, if it is deemed necessary (e.g. to investigate the report of a leak to another apartment).

18.3          SECURITY

Security: Guests will be provided with two sets of keys/fobs/access card to access the property and the apartment. Additional sets can be provided on request. An additional charge will be made for replacements and if we are required to provide access due to lost or forgotten keys. **Charges due to loss of keys noted below in section 19

It is the responsibility of the guest, to keep the keys secure and ensure the property is kept locked at all times. If at the end of their stay the guest does not return all the keys that have been allocated, we will organize for the locks at the property to be changed. A charge of £150 + VAT will be charged to the guest. If keys are lost at any time during their stay, the guest must notify Blue Fox Homes Ltd immediately, and we will organize for the locks at the property to be changed. A charge of £150 + VAT will be charged to the guest. If the property is not kept secure the guest will be held responsible for any loss or damage to the property or Blue Fox Homes Ltd owned possessions. Guest’s belongings are not covered by Blue Fox Homes Ltd’s insurance. Should the guest require assistance between the hours of 10pm and 8am due to lost keys, mislaid keys or being locked out of their apartment, Blue Fox Homes Ltd reserve the right to charge an additional out of hours call-out fee of £75 + VAT. 


We will make every effort to ensure that guests enjoy a peaceful stay, however, cannot guarantee or be held responsible for any failure or interruption of services to the apartment or the building, including electricity, air conditioning, water or any damage to telephone, broadband/ internet and other communications, including disruption or noise caused as a result of repair works being carried out in another part of the property. Where we are made aware of such failure or interruption we will endeavor to rectify such services within a reasonable period at our apartments, and will use reasonable endeavors to ensure any preferred supplier is made aware of, and rectifies, such problems within a reasonable period.


Our Management team is available to ensure your stay is as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. Contact details and working hours are made available on arrival. 


Guests are expected to comply with any regulations for use of the apartment. These are available on arrival usually in the Guest Information Folder, in the apartment. If any guest breaches any of these conditions or the regulations, we reserve the right to request a guest vacate the accommodation immediately without refund. 

18.7          SMOKING

All our accommodation types at all locations are strictly no smoking.

Guests found to be smoking, or evidence of smoking either during your stay or on departure will incur an instant fee of £180+VAT.

Guests will also be fully responsible for any damages/burns, additional cleaning or refurbishment work required from smoke damage. Any re-charges applicable will be made to the credit card details held or deducted from any deposit held.

Please be aware of the fire hazards associated with smoking, which will also be the full responsibility of the guest should an outbreak of fire occur. 


18.8          PETS

We only allow pets at any of our locations with express consent from Blue Fox Homes Ltd.

18.9          NOISE LEVELS 

Please kindly refrain from excessive noise levels/loud music at all times in consideration for other residents. Any complaints received will result in you being evicted immediately with no refunds due. 

This includes causing any sort of nuisance or disruption to fellow guests or using threatening or abusive behavior towards a member of staff on the phone, in writing or in person. Guests are not permitted to use the apartment for any illegal or immoral purposes. An additional charge will be made if the Management team is called out in response to a nuisance complaint. 


Complaints of any type that are received will be taken very seriously and will be acted upon. 

We operate a zero-tolerance policy and must respond to any complaints received no matter what the nature or cause and are obliged to act in the interests of the development and its other residents, which will result in all guests involved being evicted immediately.

In this case, no refunds will be due and we will not be held responsible for sourcing alternative accommodation or for paying any costs the guests/parties involved may incur because of the eviction.

18.11         AGE RESTRICTIONS

To ensure our guests, enjoy a stay free from disturbance, at a Blue Fox Homes Ltd accommodation, non-corporate bookings may not be accepted from any paying guests under the age of 25. Proof of identification and date of birth may be requested on arrival and if not presented on request, we reserve the right to cancel the booking. 

18.12        VISITORS

Guests are responsible for their visitors. Non-residents will not be allowed access to the accommodation after 11pm and we operate a strict no party policy. 


The maximum number of guests as confirmed at the time of booking can reside in the apartment – we reserve the right to refuse entry/evict should you be in breach of this condition.

The use of fold up beds are only permitted when arranged through us with a discretionary fee paid in advance. The fold up bed will generally be placed in the lounge and be provided with bed linen. 

Should the unauthorized use of these items or additional guests be found, then a charge will be applied.

The apartment cannot be re-let/sublet to any other group/party without the prior knowledge and consent of Blue Fox Homes Ltd.


If guests are found to be holding parties/gatherings of any kind, you will be evicted immediately with no refunds due. 

18.15        LOST PROPERTY

All your possessions should be removed from the apartment on the date of departure. We will use reasonable endeavors to retain any lost items for up to 3 months after your departure date. Email: james@bluefoxhomes.co.uk for enquiries relating to lost items. 
• Storage: Where facilities are available and at the owner’s risk storage of luggage may be provided at an additional charge. 

19              ADDITIONAL CHARGES

19.1           DAMAGES:

Guests are fully responsible for taking all reasonable care of the property, its fixtures and fittings and its contents during your stay and we would expect you to leave the property in a good condition on departure.

If accidental damage does occur during your stay, then kindly let us know where we shall advise if any charges apply. 

Any damages, missing items found either during or at the end of the stay will be advised and re-charged accordingly for either the repair or replacement of the item(s) to the credit card details held, or deducted from any deposit held. All re-charge costs will also incur a £24 administration fee. If an apartment is left uninhabitable due to the extent of damage caused, we also reserve the right to charge for any loss in revenue in addition to the cost of the repairs. 

Photographic evidence will be provided wherever possible via email within one week of departure providing a detailed breakdown of the applicable charges and costs to rectify them. In the event the guest is uncontactable, damaged caused to the apartment caused by the guest must be paid in full by the booker.


Our house-keepers will attend to the apartment on your departure, however we would request you leave the apartment in a tidy condition and ensure all washing up is attended to prior to leaving. 

Any apartments requiring additional cleaning time due to their condition will incur a re-charge cost of the hours spent by our house-keepers @ £15 per hour and at a minimum charge of £30. 

If in our opinion, further professional cleaning due to smoking, or upholstery or carpet cleaning is required due to spillages this will also be charged in addition to the cleaning fee as per the quotation or a minimum of £120. 

19.3          RETURNING/LOST KEYS:

Keys will need to be returned on your agreed departure date no later than 10am (unless a later check-out has been agreed).  On departing the property please lock the door and post keys as instructed.  

Failure to return both sets of keys will result in a £150 + VAT charge.

If you lose your keys during your stay or lock yourself out of your apartment and will require re-entry, then a call out fee of £75+VAT + the cost of any replacement locks or keys. This will be payable within 48 hours.

19.4          PARKING

We offer free parking at all our accommodation. Guests are responsible for the security of any vehicles. Travelers are recommended to ensure that they are covered by a valid travel insurance policy.

If parking enforcement is in operation at all times and failure to observe these parking conditions may result in the owner of the vehicle being fined or the vehicle being clamped. Blue Fox Homes Ltd cannot accept any responsibility for penalties and it is the responsibility of the guest to make payment for any charges incurred. Vehicles are parked at their owner’s risk. Blue Fox Homes Ltd does not accept any responsibility or liability for any theft, loss or damage including but not limited to:

– Any personal property or loose items left within the vehicle whilst parked.

– The windscreen or any other glass on or in the customer’s vehicle.

– Tyre’s or steel or alloy road wheels.

– Bodywork and trims


In the event that additional charges are made (including accommodation charges) and payment cannot be obtained from the credit card details held for any reason, we shall invoice the booker/lead guest who will become responsible for payment of our invoice in full within 14 days.

Failure to pay will then result in further action being taken to recover the monies due.

19.6          OTHER:

Early check-ins & Late check-outs may be available – please request at time of booking or prior to check-out. 

**Please do not presume you are able to check in early (prior to 2pm) or stay in apartments later than check out (no later than 11am) without having pre-booked this facility with us, as this is always subject to availability and will be subject to a charge which will be discussed at time of booking. 

The time of keys being returned is recorded and therefore any guests found to be returning keys later than the agreed check-out time will be subject to the late-check out fee, unless otherwise agreed. We reserve the right to debit the card details provided in this instance. 

VAT and local taxes are payable on all additional charges and where the level of the additional charges is not specified in these conditions, we will charge you the actual cost together with any administration costs. Prices for additional charges may change at any time.

20            HEALTH AND SAFETY 

We take the health and safety of all our guests seriously. On arrival, you should familiarize yourself with the layout of the accommodation and building and the health and safety procedures as detailed in your accommodation. (More details in the guest information folder)

21              QUALITY AND FEEDBACK

We are committed to providing quality accommodation and conduct regular audits to ensure that high standards are maintained at the apartments. We also welcome feedback from our guests and ask them to complete a guest satisfaction survey on departure. We value this feedback which provides us with useful information on how we can improve our services further. 

22             COMPLAINTS 

We hope that you will have an enjoyable stay with us, but in the event that you are not entirely satisfied with any aspect of your stay or the service being provided by us, then please notify us as quickly as possible so that we can assist, by one of the following methods: –

Tel: 07912410277

E-mail: james@bluefoxhomes.co.uk


23             PRIVACY

We may use your contact details to tell you about our services and accommodation including special offers that we think may be of interest to you. If you do not want us to use your contact information please let us know by email to james@bluefoxhomes.co.uk All information collected or properly obtained during the booking process will be processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy which, with our Site Terms, is incorporated into these conditions. Telephone calls may be monitored and /or recorded as a security measure, to help us to train our staff and improve our service to you 


24             EMERGENCIES 

In the case of an emergency with your apartment (e.g. you have a leak, no electricity) then please contact us at the office on 07912 410 277 

Any call outs resulting in a non-emergency or through no fault of ourselves will be charged at £75+VAT and for each hour thereafter. 


25             ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS 

All reservations and payment of charges are subject to these terms and conditions that are deemed to have been accepted in full by the booker and all persons/guests in the party/involved in the booking process.  Bookings and payments purchase the right to be a guest within BLUE FOX HOMES LTD accommodation for and not exceeding the agreed number of nights specified in the booking confirmation.

The Terms & Conditions are binding. Acceptance of the agreement is implied and activated by payment for the booking and/or entry to stay in one or more of our apartments. 

Blue Fox Homes Ltd reserves the right to refuse admission to any guest who has a booking if there are concerns about the security of its properties or safety of its staff and that of any sub-contractors. 

The proprietor reserves the right to terminate residency without refund if any ‘rules’ or terms of stay are broken.

Guests are expressly forbidden from using the address of any Blue Fox Homes Ltd accommodation to obtain goods or for use with a credit agreement of any kind. * 

Blue Fox Homes Ltd also reserves the right to change these conditions from time to time. If guests are in breach of any of these conditions, we reserve the right to request that guests vacate their apartment immediately. These conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and the Courts of England shall have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any claim, dispute or difference concerning these conditions and any matter arising from them. 


Thank you for choosing to stay with Blue Fox Homes Ltd. We look forward to your visit and will do everything possible to make your stay as pleasant and enjoyable as possible.