Blue Fox Homes Ltd have undertaken development and procedural checks to ensure that we are working in compliance with GDPR legislation. The privacy and security of our guests, employees and partners information is of the utmost importance to us and we updated and amended our security and procedural measures to make sure we adhere to the new data privacy guidelines. 

Capture, process and disclose information fairly
All personal data that is captured by Blue Fox Homes Ltd is used solely for the purpose it is collected for. This is made clear to our guests via our online privacy statement. This can be found here.

To provide our services we may use third-parties to support our business and we have obtained clearance under a GDPR perspective using assessments and questionnaires that such vendors are in compliance with the new regulations. 

Use data in ways compatible with explicit purposes
Personal data which is captured is only used in accordance with a guest’s upcoming stay and may be used for marketing campaigns, updates on new properties & newsletters. Guest can opt out by emailing at any time.

Ensure that it is adequate, relevant and not excessive
Portfolio will collect only information that is relevant to the services we offer both from our guests, our employees and our vendors.

Data Retention
As part of the new GDPR guidelines data controllers are encouraged to delete data if it is no longer required for any business need.

Data breaches
In the unlikely event that one of our data assets was breached, Portfolio is committed in following the procedures highlighted in the GDPR regulation and mitigate the same within 72 hours of discovering said breach. A data breach protocol measure is in place to make sure we adhere to this statement and that we document the facts.

If you have any further questions about our Data protection policies or need to know more, please contact Carly Fitzpatrick, our Managing Director and the data protection officer for Portfolio Serviced Accommodation.